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Painting Company in St. Louis

Welcome to Pro Painting STL - your trusted partner for exceptional painting services.

With over 200+ Projects Completed and 10+ years of hands-on experience, we guarantee the best painting solutions at the best value. We view painting as a craft and an art; each project we take on is executed with precision and a keen attention to detail.

Our services span from comprehensive paint jobs to detailed touch-ups and remodeling. Each stroke of our brush is carefully guided by our skilled artisans in our Premium Painting System. From carefully prepping each surface to meticulously sealing each corner and edge, our comprehensive approach will enhance the beauty and durability of your painted spaces for years to come.

We are committed to excellence, and our work aims to save you thousands of dollars throughout the lifespan of your paint job by ensuring quality that stands the test of time. Trust in the expertise and dedication of Pro Painting STL - where painting is not just a job, it's our passion.


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Painting Company in the Metro St.Louis Area


25+ Years



Frequetly Asked Question

How much does it cost to paint a house/room?

The cost of painting a house or room can vary significantly based on several factors, including the size and complexity of the project, the type of paint selected, and regional pricing differences. For instance, a larger room or a room with intricate architectural details will take more time and materials to paint, and therefore cost more. Typically, a professional painting service can cost between $1.50 and $3.50 per square foot . This quote should outline all costs, including labor, materials, and any additional services.

FAQ image

How long does it take to paint a house/room?

The timeline for a painting project depends on its size, the condition of the surfaces to be painted, and the number of coats needed. A single room usually can be prepped and painted in 1 or 2 days under ideal conditions. Painting an entire house, however, can take several days to a week or more. Always remember that good paint jobs require not only the painting itself but also time for surface preparation and drying between coats.

FAQ image

What kind of paint should be used in different areas (kitchen, bathroom, living room, exterior, etc.)?

The choice of paint depends on the specific requirements of each area. For example, kitchens and bathrooms often need semi-gloss or gloss paint due to their moisture resistance and ease of cleaning. Living rooms and bedrooms, on the other hand, are usually painted with an eggshell or flat finish for a more subtle and cozy aesthetic. For exterior surfaces, it's important to use a high-quality, weather-resistant paint that can withstand environmental conditions. Always consult with a painting professional or a paint supplier to ensure the right paint is chosen for each area.

FAQ image
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"Safe and Efficient Lead Paint Removal: A Comprehensive Guide"

Understanding the risks of lead paint is essential for ensuring the safety of your household, especially in older properties. Regular inspections and risk assessments are crucial for maintaining a le... ...more

Chesterfield, Missouri Painting Tips/ Guide

January 31, 202420 min read

Choosing Professional Exterior Painting Services: What You Need to Consider

Choosing Professional Exterior Painting Services: What You Need to Consider

Professional painters offer expert color consultation, considering your home's style and landscape, and recommend high-quality brands like Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore for best results. A prof... ...more

Chesterfield, Missouri Painting Tips/ Guide

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Maintaining Your Painted Surfaces: Longevity Tips for Homeowners

Maintaining Your Painted Surfaces: Longevity Tips for Homeowners

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Chesterfield, Missouri Painting Tips/ Guide

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Ultimate Painting Maintenance Tips for Every Season

Ultimate Painting Maintenance Tips for Every Season

Spring is the ideal time for exterior painting due to mild temperatures and lower humidity, which are conducive to proper drying and curing of paint. In summer, aim to paint in the cooler mornings or... ...more

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Adding Depth with Textured Painting Techniques: A DIY Guide"

Adding Depth with Textured Painting Techniques: A DIY Guide"

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Chesterfield, Missouri Painting Tips/ Guide

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The Secret to Long-Lasting Paint Jobs: Expert Prep and Techniques

The Secret to Long-Lasting Paint Jobs: Expert Prep and Techniques

Proper surface preparation, including cleaning, sanding, and priming, is essential for a durable paint job. Selecting high-quality paint and materials tailored for specific surfaces and conditions co... ...more

Chesterfield, Missouri Painting Tips/ Guide

January 01, 202421 min read

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